Presenting Christ The Healer in The Hospital

Having been a hospital chaplain for many years now, I've discovered that a hospital is a rigorous school and the many lessons there are to learn.

The most general lesson is what it's like to be weak and vulnerable to sickness, dependent upon others for small and basic needs. We do tend to take our strength, and freedoms granted -until we become incapable of doing basic things for ourselves. Illness involves loss of freedom and privacy.

Not to mention, in hospital time does drag. A few hours looks like eternity. There's the stress and fear of waiting for the results of tests. The magical names-POSITIVE results or and NEGATIVE results are doom. The imagination can run wild. And until we've been diagnosed we can't be treated. Nor can we come to terms with our medical problem until it has been defined.
It is at this period of uncertainty, I have tried to help my patients to place their life in God's hands and accept the outcome of the results. Psalms 46:10 has become my standards of helping patients who are under stress and in limbo of not knowing what the results of their test would turn out to be; “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,  I will be exalted in the earth.”
Saying prayer with patients at this moment can be very difficult. Sometimes I feel guilty about not being able to say the “right words in prayer.”
It is during these moments Romans 8:26 makes sense, “When we can't put our prayers into words the Spirit inspires our groans,”… and knows what they mean. In fact a groan can be far more eloquent than many words.
Most patients don’t cope with illness as well as is expected. At times many are afraid and confused, overwhelmed with questions about suffering, and yet most don’t have the mental strength to attempt to answer them. As a hospital chaplain, I have spent my 12 years of hospital ministry in reading and reflecting on the problem of suffering, thus when I visit my patient I have the sense not to choke the poor patient with theology when what they most need is a friend to be with him, to hold their hand and to pray with them, a friend who knows when to keep silent. All they need is a friend who has all the time for them.  See my article on “Pastoral care to the dying…”

Needless to point out in these article, that I have needed a spiritual jump start from my mentor. He once told me to stop thinking I was “stronger than Christ in Gethsemane,” If Christ could weep, Matthew 27:46, who am I to be ashamed of feeling inadequate and or feeling despair? I had to learn to accept that I was human, and that that meant being empathic, weak and vulnerable.
Like other care providers in hospital, the role of a hospital chaplain is to help patients overcome the indignities of sickness. The nurses and doctors reflect and continue to show Christ's compassion for the sick. In a chaplain like in other caregivers, patient should  met The Healer, Luke 7:1-17  The Good Physician John 5:1-9.

Where Do you Look for Life Answers

Most people think that they can find wisdom or truth from other sources than Scripture. Others think that the Bible is just a book of stories, like any other books. The Bible is truly God’s WORD, we should cherish it, study it, obey it, and fully trust it. To dismiss it is to dismiss God Himself. See 2 Timothy 3:15-17
It is amazing to see and hear how people who claim to be Christians treat the Bible. Believers need to be reading Scripture. If a believer has a question about life, he or she doesn’t need to ask Palm Readers, Fortune Tellers or Magicians. One need to look in the Bible. Because if it’s something one need to know about life, it’s in the WORD of God. Read 2 Timothy 3:15-17
You might have heard people say that the Bible is very difficult to understand. I think this is a false statement.  I also think the majority of confusion in a Christian’s life can be eliminated if one will just make a habit of reading and learning the Word of God. Joshua 1:8
If one has the habit of reading God’s WORD daily, one will know what God says about the future- Jeremiah 29:11. One will know what God says about life right now Ephesians 2:8-9. One will know because everything one needs to know is in the Bible. Isaiah. 55:10-11
It doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is, the Bible is easy to understand. Wait a minute. What if the Bible has not translation in you language and that you are not able to read in other languages? All of the Bibles we have here are translations anyway, so unless you speak Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, you’ll have to read a translation. So you might as well pick one that’s in your language.
When you read the Bible, God gives you light to live by- Psalm 119:105. He gives you truth – John 17:17. He gives you understanding- 1 Corinthians 2:1-16. God grants His light to people who read His word, and it’s not complicated. The truth in the Bible is very simple. Often-times the most profound truths in life are inherently simple. So simple to understand that even a child can grasp the concept. Psalm 119:130
So it doesn’t matter if you have a degree in Divinity or if you’re some indigenous rural person in a village in the most remote part of the world, God’s Word is for you.
Don’t believe the lies our culture tells that Scripture is just a bunch of made up stories about the Israelites, morality, and the like. What is written in the Scripture is alive. You can read the same passage over and over again for a week, and it will mean something different to you every day. As we grow in our walk with God, the Bible broadens and deepens for us. 
And don’t believe it when people tell you that the Bible is hard to understand. Don’t think that only pastors and scholars can make sense of the Bible. Don’t read more into it than you think is there. The Bible is literal. Trying to make a figurative story out of a literal TRUTH is confusing. The bible is the TRUTH WORD of God. 2 Timothy 3:16. Don’t as well believe those who want you to believe that the Bible is a book containing the word of God.
When the Bible says God created the world Genesis 1:1, it means that He created the world. When the Bible says that God destroyed the world with a flood Genesis Chapter 7, it means that He destroyed the world with a flood. When the Bible says that Jonah survived three days and three nights in the belly of a giant fish Jonah 1:17, it means that really happened. It means David really killed Goliath Samuel Chapter 17. It means Elijah really called down fire on Mt. Caramel. 1 Kings 18:38.  It means Jesus really did miracles Mark 1:23-37.
The Bible is easy to understand. It’s just us who make things complicated. And if you’ve had trouble understanding Scripture before, try reading it again. And if you simply can’t understand it, find someone who you know does and ask for help. If one is a mature believer, he/she will be of help to you as both of you dig deeper into .