Spritual Awakening- Are you allowing it? Isaiah 64:1-12

How many times have you heard the word "revival" in the church over the past 30 years? Churches pray for revival while other churches plan a four-day revival. America needs a Revival or the Third Great Awakening to come soon. So many people ask me how the church of America, the church of today can have a great visitation for the Holy Spirit. I always simply reply that the recipe for revival is in the Bible!
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Through this very familiar Scripture, I want to point out two parts.
First, the Lord says if you will 1) humble yourself, 2) pray, 3) seek my face and 4) turn from your wicked ways, then He will do three things: 1) hear from heaven, 2) forgive your sin and 3) heal your land.

The first thing the Lord asks us to do is humble ourselves. Now in America there is so much pride and arrogance that this would be a miracle in itself for this to happen. Let's be honest, we have the brightest of Harvard, Yale etc. running our country, and we are in a mess.
The second thing is to simply pray. The prayer service is the most important service of the week and the most negated in the church of today. The third thing is to seek His face; most people seek the Lord for His hand of blessing but forget to have a close personal relationship with Him. Repentance is almost a lost part of the church today and this is the fourth thing. Turn from our wicked ways. If we can do these four things, God said he would do the next three.

In the second part of this passage, the Lord states that He would hear from heaven. So many Christians honestly believe that God is so far away that He doesn't even hear our prayers. Many people are still dealing with illegitimacy and have such a father wound in their life that they carry that over to their relationship and walk with God.
The second thing the Lord said he would do is forgive their sin. Hallelujah! The third and final part is that he would heal their/our land! There is hope for America and that hope is Jesus Christ, the hope of America is found in a praying and fasting church!  

Physically most of us need to be revived at least three times a day. Hunger and weakness soon overtake us and we feel the need of food to renew our strength. Spiritually it is not less so,
Matthew. 4:4-”For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

Sad to say, however, we are by nature prone to neglect our spiritual welfare and lapse into carelessness and sin, so that repeatedly the need for spiritual revival and restoration becomes acute
2 Timothy. 1:13- “Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.”

The Word of God, then, is of supreme importance to the spiritual awakening of every believer; not merely as a collection of beautiful and heart-warming thoughts, but as food for the soul.
Jeremiah 15:16- “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart..."

 As food and medicine must be wisely administered to the weak and ill, so must the Word be “rightly divided” to provide the necessary benefit to those who need spiritual revival.

The understanding of God’s Word always revives His people spiritually. Hear the two at Emmaus from whom our Lord had just departed from their hearts(Video) https://youtu.be/8YlzWPPiH4A
Luke 24:32 “Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?”

1.. Spiritual Awakening -The Epistle-Edrick-2003
2. The Coming Great Awakening- National and Religion International Report- 1992 pp 2-3
3. The Ultimate Guide to Spiritual Awakening- San Francisco CA -no date
4. The Bible-NKJV

SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS- A dangerous condition- 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

 INTRODUCTION: Why is it that some people are so opposed to the Gospel? And why is it that some people, whose lifestyle is so unscriptural, cannot understand our rejection of their disobedience before almighty God? And how is it that some people can criticize the Word of God as to its origin and authenticity? Well, the answer to those questions is very simple. It is called spiritual blindness. Spiritual blindness is a very dangerous condition for anyone to be in. READ 1 John 2:11. He says that those who are spiritually blind do not know where they are going. They think they know, but they do not.
Spiritual Blindness is the inability of a person to understand, perceive, grasp, and comprehend spiritual truth. They may be able to fully understand some facts, many things in life that are true. But a spiritually blind person is incapable of digesting, comprehending, perceiving the true meaning of spiritual truth. Three things in this passage to see:

I.             WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF ALL SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS? (2 Corinthians 4:4).
The one who is blinded is Satan himself. Paul describes him as god (little g) the one who claims to be god of this world (this age), the god of this world system in which we live, religious system, economic system, political system. The system that makes up the life we are a part of. Paul says that Satan has set out to blind the minds of the unbelieving in order that something might not happen. Look at Isaiah 14:12-7 how Satan is described. 2 Corinthians 11:3 Paul describes Satan as a crafty deceiver. V. 14 Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Satan’s objective is stated in v. 4. He wants to so blind men’s mind so that they will not be able to come to the right conclusion about spiritual things. Notice the words used. See means: “grasp, understand, and comprehend the illumination of the Gospel.” Satan’s purpose and objective is to so blind a person’s mind that they can’t grasp it.
What is the truth that Satan wants to hide from man? Look at v. 3. He wants to hide the truth so that they cannot possibly perceive of the fact of being lost. Ask a lost person is they have ever been saved, and they might respond saved from what? There are many people who are sincerely and honestly blinded. They really believe that they are right. Satan blinds people to any sense of need on their part of the Lord.
Secondly, he blinds them to the whole meaning of the cross. The cross, the blood, all of that is meaningless to the unbeliever. They have no earthly idea of how it relates to them. It’s an Easter holiday to them. Satan has blinded them to the real meaning.
First, Satan always launches his attack against Word of God.
1.            As To It’s Origin. It is not God-breathed. How could God breathe through some men to give a book. How the Bible could be inspired. This book was written by some men. Once a person begins doubt the origin of the Word of God, they next begin to doubt:
2.            The Authenticity Of The Bible. They say, probably it has many mistakes in it. They begin to pick and choose what they want to believe. They then doubt:
3.            The Authority Of The Word Of God. After all it was written by men, and full of errors, so how could it be the authority of my life? Next they doubt:
4.            The Power Of The Word Of God. When you doubt the origin, authenticity, authority, and power of the Word of God, you are in a dangerous condition.
When a person begins to doubt the Word of God then he becomes the center of his world. He becomes his own authority. He has no room for God to control any part of his life. Spiritual blindness is a dangerous condition. So we live in a society today in which Humanism is a rising religion because Satan has blinded men’s eyes to the Word of God.
If there is no divine authority what is the authority? This is the thing that puts churches in a bad spot. People make decisions in churches and oftentimes say, the majority rules!
That is not what the Bible says!! It says the principles of the Word of God rules!!!
That is the acknowledgment of the authority of the living God over our church. When you have a society or a church that does not accept God as the final authority, you have all kinds of things taking place, and they are well defended, because Satan has blinded their eyes .
The ultimate outcome of spiritual blindness is to be eternally separated from the almighty God. To die and go spend eternity where Satan will spend eternity. Look at 3:16. Paul says when a man turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. But what is the outcome of spiritual blindness?
1.            Denial Of The Truth. I’m not sure I believe that anymore. They are living in the darkness and of the darkness. They are walking in the darkness, living in the darkness, and will spend eternity in the darkness.
2.            Defying The Truth. I don’t believe that. I don’t think God will condemn me to eternity in Hell.
There is only one way, and that way is the way of repentance. Look at the word repentance (2 Corinthians 3:16). The veil of spiritual blindness is removed. When a person is so deceived and determine to live in sin, disobedience, and rebellion to God, and give themselves over to Satan to receive the things they want in this world without regard to eternity, what a foolish commitment.
That is exactly what they are saying when the reject Jesus. Paul describes this in Romans 1:23-32, when he says that Jesus gives people over to a certain lifestyle. When he gives them over to it, here’s what that means. God withdraws all restraints! Because of your vile and wicked choices, I now choose to allow you the full rewards of the consequences of your willful chosen disobedience. And my friend, you’ve had it.
You think you can get saved just any old time you please No you can’t! I didn’t say God wouldn’t save you. But a part of the wooing of the Holy Spirit, how do these people who are spiritually blinded come to know Christ as Savior? Paul gives us that clue in 2 Corinthians 3:16.
Here is a person who is absolutely spiritually blinded of truth. They have nothing to do with religious matters. Everything goes wrong in their life, and they hit rock bottom. They are desperate. Everything Satan has fed them and promised them just doesn’t work anymore In desperation they cry out to God. Paul says that if they turn just the slightest bit toward God, he will remove the veil of darkness.
But let me warn you, when that spiritual blindness gets so strong, you are going to have to get absolutely and totally desperate before you will turn to God because your pride will keep you from it. Spiritual blindness is dangerous business.

Work Cited
1. Unleashing God’s truth-Panorama City California, 2016
2. A call of Clarity in an age of confusion, Chip, Atlanta Georgia -2007
3. Bible commentary on the Book on John
4. Matthews complete bible commentary
5. Bible-NKJV

Spiritual Death-Separation from God Ephesians 2:1-6


God has given us a spirit in order for us to be able to connect with Him, relate to Him, and to build an intimate relationship with Him. Our human spirit is the very part of our being that plugs us right into God, then His rich provision and nourishment for our soul flow through that connection. To put it another way, our soul is fed through the means of that connection we have with God through Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, this is precisely what gives life to our soul, so that we’re able to please God and live a Spirit-filled life. Can you imagine placing yourself into such a detrimental situation where you can’t be fed indefinitely? We receive and discern God’s truth through our own spirit. The Holy Spirit Himself who indwells us carries out His works through our own human spirit. He Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children (Romans 8:16).

On the other hand, our soul is the very embodiment of our being because it’s housed our intellect, will, and emotion. Moreover, it’s our control center, our personality, and who we really are as human beings. In spite of all that capabilities, the soul is not sufficient to help us know God. To put that into perspective, our spirit is a lamp to our soul just as the Word of God is a lamp to our feet. With this in mind, our soul is being influenced by two powers: the power of the Holy Spirit through our own human spirit, and the power of Satan through our own flesh.

Spiritual death simply means that our own human spirit has become disconnected from God because of sin (Romans 6:23). The same way that our physical body needs food, water, air, medical care, and so forth in order to sustain and maintain itself, so is our soul. Since our soul is spiritual, it only needs spiritual nourishment and care from God, which we receive through Christ who is the Word.

When we find ourselves in that critical state, our soul is literally dead due to our disconnection from the source of life. Sin not only breaks our fellowship with God which cuts off His spiritual supplies to our soul, but it does inflict deadly damages to our own soul that can only be restored by the blood of Jesus.

Being that the case, our soul can no longer be influenced by our human spirit which is also symbolic of our God-given conscience unless something powerful is done by Him in order to reverse that strong hold of the flesh on our soul. Since we have a free will, God can’t do it alone without our active involvement because He won’t impose Himself on it.

Be a persistent Seeker. Luke 11:5- 13

Why are we here? To Seek God/ Seek and you shall find.
Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
1. If you are seeking God, your search must be diligent, persistent, insistent and tenacious one.

2. Diligence is faithful or persistent and painstaking effort.
3. In Luke 11:5-13, Jesus teaches that (“shameless insistence and persistence”) will receive results from God.

4. If you are diligently seeking God, He will “stir Himself up” and move heaven and earth if that’s what it takes to solve your problems.

5. There are many Biblical characters who would not have received the rewards they were seeking had they not sought God diligently.  2 Chronicles 26:5 Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah, who taught him to fear God.

God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Diligence connects you with your reward. The adverb "diligently" changes the meaning entirely
Persistence is in present tense: "Ask, seek, and knock". These commands might be translated;

"Keep on asking, keep on seeking, and keep on knocking." The emphasis is on persistence.
Diligence must characterize the prayer life of every believer. Believers are to be continually asking, seeking, and knocking so that God will respond and open the door in order to supply the needs they are requesting.

The command to "ask," teaches that we are to look to God to supply us strength to obey those commands He has just taught.
We are commanded to "seek"; that goes deeper than asking; there is a difference between asking and seeking. Seeking means we go with all effort to search out God's will as revealed in His Word with regard to the particular circumstances.

 We have as an example Luke 16:37, the woman who lost a piece of silver. She swept her house; she looked and didn't leave one corner untouched or one thing unturned until she found it

Secure for Sure- Romans 8:31-39

Being transformed in the Image of Christ- Spritual Formation- Jeremiah 18:1-6

 The Bible speaks the goal of the Christian life. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says that “we are being transformed into [Christ’s] likeness” Romans 8:29  God “predestined [all believers] to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.” Bridges says, “Christlikeness is God’s goal for all who trust in Christ, and that should be our goal also.”
Both words, transformed and conformed, have a common root, form, meaning a pattern or a mold. “Being transformed” refers to the process; conformed refers to the finished product. Jesus is our pattern or mold. We are being transformed so that we will eventually be conformed to the likeness of Jesus. Sanctification or holiness then, is conformity to the likeness of Jesus Christ.(a topic for an other day),
How can we know whether we are being transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ?   Begin with studying the character of Jesus and you will come to full realization as to whether this is a reality for you.

We need to understand that “the cleansing of our consciences from the guilt of sin must precede our efforts to deal with the presence of sin in our daily lives. And so we need the gospel to continually remind us that our sins have been forgiven in Christ and that we relate to the Lord through grace rather than law.
Our specific responsibility in the pursuit of holiness as seen in 2 Corinthians 3:18, to behold the glory of the Lord as it is displayed in the gospel. The gospel is the ‘mirror’ through which we now behold His beauty.” And, therefore, until we see him face-to-face, we need to continually preach that gospel to ourselves every day.
Therefore, until we see him face-to-face, we need to continually preach that gospel to ourselves every day.