The difference between a pastor and a Chaplain

Pastors and chaplains are similar in many respects. Both provide counseling and spiritual ministry to those in need. However, differences exist between the two callings. Pastors typically are associated with a specific church or parish, while chaplains are generally associated with a specific employer or agency. Chaplain employer may include but not limited to; private sector, cooperate sector, and federal or local governments. The primary differences between pastors and chaplains lie in where, how and to whom they offer spiritual pastoral and counseling care.
The title of pastor is bestowed on religious leaders in protestant churches, for example, but a pastor also may be a rabbi, priest or imam. Pastors focus on ministering to those of their own faith or those who wish to convert. Chaplains may be of any faith and typically do not discuss their personal faiths with those to whom they are ministering unless they are asked. Chaplains don’t proselyte
Although pastors may visit members of their congregation at home, in the hospital or at a nursing home, most activities are church-based. Chaplains perform their duties beyond church walls. Hospital chaplains comfort patients in their rooms or minister to the families of patients. Military chaplains may hold services in chapels while stateside or in tents when deployed to a combat zone. Prison chaplains counsel inmates and staff. Chaplains also act as a liaison between the prison and external churches. See my article on; "A pastoral reminder to spiritual leaders." 

Comparing a pastor and a chaplain involves comparing a religious leader and a spiritual leader. Religious leaders deal with the doctrines, rituals, beliefs and morality specific to their religion. Chaplains respect the right of all people to follow any religion or no religion at all. Rather than focus on religious morality, chaplains deal with the question of ethical behavior. Chaplains may counsel forgiveness as being in the person’s best interests rather than because it is a religious tenet.

Although most countries have constitutions that provides for the freedom of religion, the same also orders the separation of church and state. Chaplains do not violate that separation if the purpose of the chaplaincy is secular, such as crisis intervention, chaplain remains neutral on the subject of specific religions and chaplaincy is open to members of all religious beliefs.
Chaplains are more likely to deal with those in immediate crisis or who have experienced a recent trauma. Many chaplains are trained in crime scene and trauma scene protocols so they can venture into settings that might be off-limits to pastors. Because pastors are paid by their churches, they must satisfy the demands of their congregations; chaplains are employees of a company or agency and must satisfy the demands of their employers, which may include maintaining a low public profile or maintaining a politically correct appearance, sic.
Jeffrey Joyner - Demand Media
Association of Professional Chaplains-APC
Texas TMC Chaplain’s Symposium -2011