Heaven is for real movie review

May of us have read books that have been reproduced into movies. This is one movie you would be interested in after reading the book, HEAVEN IS FOR REAL a bestselling book by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent. For me I saw the movie first and then read the book. Both the book and the movie are extremely powerful in that in the end, both answer our own questions regarding life and the life-after.
The most important question this movie answers is where it is we go when we die. We may not be part of a pastor's family, coincidentally I happen to be a pastor myself and have answered this question many times in my calling. Most of us have never had a near-death experience, but we go about our lives doing much like the pastor Burpo’s family the main focus in the movie, going about their daily life as a family until the unexplainable happens.

Colton their 4 year old son became ill had an emergency appendectomy surgery at which time he went to the actual heaven. Heaven is for Real is based on the true story of Colton who experienced heaven. This 4 year old experienced a divine appointment that not only changed the pastor’s family view of life after death but could change the way you and I could view life here after.
Colton claims that there were angels singing to him, and that he floated above the operating table and could see himself. He claims that he saw his mom on the phone and his dad angrily praying (in separate rooms). Later, he mentions meeting Jesus and sitting on His lap, as well as encountering his mis-carried little sister and his great-grandfather. He says that everyone in heaven is young, and there are many animals present too. Heaven is a lot like earth, the little boy he narrates, except more colorful and more beautiful.  This 4 year old boy claims that he saw the Son of God riding a horse

Heaven is for real has an agenda spelled out as faith-based film, with a moral to counteract septic’s notion of heaven.  Many of the experiences we have heard or read about, the person’s in these experiences actually die. But Colton was just under some really good anesthesia during surgery. After recovery from this surgery Colton returns home changed by the experience something that left is family bewildered. He knows things about his family that nobody has told him. Two good examples are when Colton narrates where is father was praying for him in the hospital chapel, and his mother in a different room, at the hospital’s waiting area, on the phone calling family, friends and church members requesting that they pray for her son.  When asked how this is possible, Colton insists that Jesus informed him on these matters. This young boy has knowledge that leaves his father’s without words to explain these possibilities.
There is noticeable disagreement between church pastor Todd and his wife Sonja as to whether Colton’s story is really true. Todd is being consumed by his son’s story and what it spiritually means. At some point Sonja demands that Todd focus on life instead of the afterlife. Like most of us would do or feel, Sonja felt that Colton’s experience is taking away family time and energy.

 Out of despair and distress Todd the pastor, visits a counselor who is not a Christian. What is interesting is that the counselor offers a scientific explanation contrary to Todd’s expectations. Todd is seen leaving the counselor’s office more frustrated than when he came in.
The climax of the movie surfaces when Todd begins to question his own faith upon realizing Colton may indeed have visited heaven.  Even when we may want to focus in Colton’s experience of heaven, “Heaven is for Real” also highlights Todd’s dilemma of not being able explaining his son’s experience. The pastor’s faith is wearing out.  Colton’s experience becomes so controversial among Todd’s congregants to a point of him almost being replaced as a pastor of the church. We see a search committee seeking explanation from Todd why this issue is taking a lot of his energy and time, which he should be devoting to the pastoral oversight of the church. Todd however kept his position as the pastor to the Wesleyan church.

This is a family oriented movie that is highly recommended. However interpretations depend with one’s own faith and belief about heaven. Is Heaven real? For me it is.




The Business Of Faith Healing

I believe in miracles but not fake miracle workers that have been on news lately.  The Bible is clear in James chapter 5 that it is the prayer of faith which heals the sick, not the fake pretense of a false prophet asking for payment to “perform miracles of healing to those seeking them! However we have some pure legitimate men and women of God working in the vineyard of His and He is using them to reveal him by healing through miracles.
I would categorize any fake miracle worker who comes along to be the antichrist. The False Prophet and the antichrist will be empowered by Satan to work fake miracles and deceive a lost world, and or the very vulnerable in matters of faith. Unfortunately most of these groups of persons are struggling financially and more likely than not socially. That being said therefore, the fake “miracle  working prophet” takes advantage of the vulnerability of the sick by having them pay for the “miracle” much less amount of money than they would pay for in a clinical setting. But the word of God is clear on healing Isaiah 53:4-5   

The truth is fake healers are like parasites preying on the weak and sick. When the human spirit and body have been devastated by an illness it leaves a person vulnerable. Many people go to faith healers because all other means of a cure have failed. They look at a miracle as their last chance to get their health back. Fake healers understand this human weakness and they use it to get what they want, money and favors of all sorts.

The faith healing business is nothing more than a money embezzlement scam, one of many pitfalls surrounding the church today.  It is high time Christians start rebuking the real sickness afflicting the church as fake healers, false prophets. Christians should watch out that they will not continue to be deceived. Luke 21:8   

Put faith healers to the test and they will fail every time. There is a big difference between saying and doing.  Fake faith healers point to testimonials to support their claims, but testimonials are a dime a dozen. A good example is what happened in Kenya recently where the self-styled “Prophet,” Kanyari stole thousands of local currency from his “miracle receivers” in pretense that he will provided healing, or their business will be expended, marriages restored after planting a seed in his wallet. Don’t get me wrong seed planting is biblical. Psalm 126:6

 A true faith healer could march into a hospital, where you find people in need of miracles, and empty the beds. A true faith healer will wait for miracle receivers at the church alter and join them as they receive their potion.  A true faith healer will not couch his miracle receivers on what to say in their testimonies. A true faith healer would not ask for any amount of money in order to perform miracles on them. If they do, they are liars and evil prophets.  Real miracles can't be faked, and we have so many of them happening every day from men and women God is using for His glory.
Fake modern day faith healers do not have any supernatural power. They are like magicians putting on a performance before a television screen to lure many to believe that they are performing miracles.  Magic is not real, it is based on illusions. The same is fake true of faith healers today.  They act out well-practiced and staged magic tricks for a fee or what they like to call "love gifts or seed planting."

Jesus never instructed His disciples to take up "love gifts” in exchange to the many miracles he provided to those in need. Matthew 10:9-10
Scripture commands us to test all things to see if they are of God-  1 Thessalonians 5:21. Test fake faith healers, their false claims of miraculous healing, and their false teachings and there is no doubt that they are fake healers. Matthew 7:22-23

The Role of the Church

Church is not a building or an institution, but it is people. Because church is people, we have the choice to either do smart things or stupid things. If we do smart things, more people can be led to Christ in the church. Leading people to Christ is a simple way of describing why the church exists, which is the church’s primary mission.
In this article I want to point a few things the church must do in order for it to carry on this mission:
  1. Be intentionally multigenerational
Youth are not the church of tomorrow; they are part of the church today. I have heard time and again most people refer to youth as the church of tomorrow. But if the youth is involved in the duties and operations of the church today, then they are the church of now.
We must provide the resources necessary to reach them now. Quality leaders, authentic compassion and giving them a voice in the ministry process will result in young people who connect with the church. This include budgeting for programs that the church is planning for the youth
Smart church must invest in young people. But they also respect older people. Those who have paid the price to help get us where we are now need to know that they are treasured. A caring church value people even if when they appear to no longer be active. Churches value all generations.
During my time in full time ministry, about 23 year to the date, I have seen so many church with many programs and big budgets but not a percentage of the budget is allotted the youth. What a shame!
  1. Stay off of bandwagons
We always have something to learn from others who are succeeding but trendiness and fads can spoil ministry. It appears that God blesses different methods at different times but He doesn’t run out of ideas. Imagination and creativity are spiritual gifts. See 1 Corinthians 12. Don’t spend a lot of time and energy trying to be another church. Be original, innovative, and fresh. The more the church become the church that was founded after Christ, than more souls will be won to Him.
I hope you believe in the old-fashioned way of saving souls. Everything appears to be shaken nowadays, and shifted from the old foundations. It seems that we are to evolve out of men the good that is already in them.
We all believe that we must go to soul-winning, desiring in God's name to see all things made new. This old creature is dead and corrupt, and must be buried; and the sooner the better. Jesus has come that there may be a passing away of the old things, and a making of all things new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
  1. Be real
Do everything with authenticity. Operate with impeccable integrity. Own up to mistakes. Repent often. Be transparent. Smart churches are not manipulative or condescending or disrespectful of people. Yesterday a friend of mine shared her reasons as to why she does not attend the church she was a member since its foundation. She says that the minister one day announced from the pulpit that he had a dream in which two people from his church will die within days. According to my friend, the pastor went into details of describing the make and type of vehicle those he (pastor) dreamt about drive. This is manipulative and disrespectful.
  1. Perfect grace
Make room at the table for sinners, Romans 3:23. Don’t demand perfection. Practice forgiveness and model second chances for all are sinners, 1 John 1:8. Every church should know that the ground at the foot of the cross is level, and there the Grace abounds.
  1. Reach as many people as possible
It’s OK to have a “targeted people” based on demographics. But a church modeled under Christ does eliminate people because they don’t fit the in. There is no specialty in churches to call for elimination of people who are different or doesn’t fit. Jesus doesn’t eliminate these people – neither should we.
  1. Act outside of the local church
Look at some churches weekly programs and you will understand the mission of that particular church; Pot luck after service, fund raiser for the new building, outing for church couples. Note nothing mentions ministry of outreach in the neighborhood. Smart church do ministry in the neighborhood.  They minister with a global mindset. They know how to connect with people outside of their immediate circle. It’s a big world and God is doing amazing things. Smart churches don’t want to miss that. Matthew 28:19
  1. Promote justice
Don’t tolerate the mistreatment of the innocent. Stand up for victims. Speak out on behalf of the marginalized. Churches should act as part of the solution to society’s ills. Jesus is our good example. How we respond to injustice is a good barometer of our spiritual health and maturity as well. How we respond to little injustices is a good gauge of how we will respond to bigger ones. See Matthew 14:1-12.
  1. Release people into ministry
The church should encourage people to practice their spiritual gifts. Empower people. Entrust people with responsibility.  Ministry oriented church understands that every person and gift is necessary for a fully functioning church. 1 Corinthians 12.  A few years ago I was a guest in a small church a few miles away from my town, and what I learnt about the leadership of that church never leaves my mind to date. The pastor made announcements, did power point, selected songs for the day, anointed the sick, and counted the offerings. WOW! At the end of the day he was like the only gifted member of the church.

  1. Be comfortable with not pleasing everyone
Original churches know that they are not for everyone. Let people disagree and let some leave, if necessary. Pursue those God has called you to reach.  Preach the gospel without compromise and don’t be apologetic by stepping people’s toes when you are speaking the truth of the gospel. However, don’t use the gospel to hurt people and make them feel inadequate. This is why I discuss in under C, about not being manipulative or condescending or disrespectful. Don’t use the “word” of God to your advantage.
       J.   Insist that people dream
The church of Chris will spend a lot of energy building up people. Encouraging them to dream again and dream big, to chase the vision that God put in them. “Remember who you wanted to be.” I know so many churches winning souls by the gospel by leading people to realization that they belong to God who has something good for them. Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13.
Know what we’re supposed to do and do it well
What is the end goal of church? Jesus summarized our job description in Matthew 28 by telling us to make disciples; we help people by showing them how to be authentic followers of Jesus. That’s it. If we’re for Him, we’ll focus all of our attention on that task.

Jesus is the STAR that shows us the WAY- John 14:6

In Christmas story, we are reminded of visitors (Wise men) Matthew 2:1-2; 9 -11 from a foreign country (The East) who travelled a long journey. In order to reach their desired destination they needed assistance. They did not have any GPS, road map, or signposts elected by the city of Jerusalem. These men were not looking for a location, but a Person. In order to find Him they would need to travel many miles.

These men were searching for the Savior. But they were not sure of how to find Him. They needed direction. And God provided it. Matthew 2:11

Their desire had been that they might find the Savior, Jesus The Messiah. We read in Matthew 2:1ff that God directed them, and the desire of their hearts was fulfilled. On the very first Christmas those (The wise men) who searched for the Savior found Him. Cf -2 Corinthians 6:2
Thirty three (33) years later Jesus informed the Apostles that He would shortly be leaving them. At the Last Supper He told them He would soon be returning to Heaven. John 14:4
However, Thomas one of the Apostle’s desired destination was heaven, but he did not know how to get there- John 14:5.  Thomas was pleading with the Lord to show them the way. He needed direction. And the Lord provided it. John14:4 –6. Jesus was explaining to Thomas that the only way to Heaven was through a personal relationship with Him.
Today, two thousand years later, most people are no different than Thomas. Their desired destination is Heaven. But they are not sure of how to get there. Some are depending upon being religious, and are doing their best to lead a good life, going to church, many times a week, tilting weekly. Others believe that by being sincere, giving to charity and being honest, they may arrive in heaven some day. Many more are hoping that pilgrimages to holy places or prayers will help them make the journey to heaven. But none of these things can save us. Titus 3:5, Ephesians 2:8- 9
Some people think they are not too bad and that they are better than others. But according to the Scriptures we are ALL sinners Romans 3: 22:23. It is biblical that those who die in their sins will spend eternity suffering in Hell- Matthew 25:41

The Scriptures make is very clear that there is only ONE way by which sinners can get to Heaven, and that is through faith in Christ. John 6:14
The Lord suffered and died at Calvary as a Substitute for all who will repent of their sins and trust Him as Savior. On the cross He paid in full the penalty for the guilt of their sins- John 19:28-30. He has provided for us sinners the gift of eternal life. This is something we could never earn or merit through religious exercises or good works.
Perhaps like many others the desire of your heart is to get to Heaven. But you are not sure of how to get there. It may be that you have been travelling in the wrong direction. You may be on the wrong road. You may even be at cross-roads in your life and are not sure which way to turn. The Sign is just ahead of you that says:  "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
Take care which direction you take. The Word of God is like a signpost. The WORD will point you in the right direction. The WORD will ‘SHOW YOU THE WAY’. The WORD will point you to Jesus. He is the ONLY way to Heaven. Why not turn to Him right now in repentance, asking Him to forgive you and trust Him to save you. DO NOT DELAY, for your journey may soon come to an end. 2 Corinthians 6:2