Jesus is the STAR that shows us the WAY- John 14:6

In Christmas story, we are reminded of visitors (Wise men) Matthew 2:1-2; 9 -11 from a foreign country (The East) who travelled a long journey. In order to reach their desired destination they needed assistance. They did not have any GPS, road map, or signposts elected by the city of Jerusalem. These men were not looking for a location, but a Person. In order to find Him they would need to travel many miles.

These men were searching for the Savior. But they were not sure of how to find Him. They needed direction. And God provided it. Matthew 2:11

Their desire had been that they might find the Savior, Jesus The Messiah. We read in Matthew 2:1ff that God directed them, and the desire of their hearts was fulfilled. On the very first Christmas those (The wise men) who searched for the Savior found Him. Cf -2 Corinthians 6:2
Thirty three (33) years later Jesus informed the Apostles that He would shortly be leaving them. At the Last Supper He told them He would soon be returning to Heaven. John 14:4
However, Thomas one of the Apostle’s desired destination was heaven, but he did not know how to get there- John 14:5.  Thomas was pleading with the Lord to show them the way. He needed direction. And the Lord provided it. John14:4 –6. Jesus was explaining to Thomas that the only way to Heaven was through a personal relationship with Him.
Today, two thousand years later, most people are no different than Thomas. Their desired destination is Heaven. But they are not sure of how to get there. Some are depending upon being religious, and are doing their best to lead a good life, going to church, many times a week, tilting weekly. Others believe that by being sincere, giving to charity and being honest, they may arrive in heaven some day. Many more are hoping that pilgrimages to holy places or prayers will help them make the journey to heaven. But none of these things can save us. Titus 3:5, Ephesians 2:8- 9
Some people think they are not too bad and that they are better than others. But according to the Scriptures we are ALL sinners Romans 3: 22:23. It is biblical that those who die in their sins will spend eternity suffering in Hell- Matthew 25:41

The Scriptures make is very clear that there is only ONE way by which sinners can get to Heaven, and that is through faith in Christ. John 6:14
The Lord suffered and died at Calvary as a Substitute for all who will repent of their sins and trust Him as Savior. On the cross He paid in full the penalty for the guilt of their sins- John 19:28-30. He has provided for us sinners the gift of eternal life. This is something we could never earn or merit through religious exercises or good works.
Perhaps like many others the desire of your heart is to get to Heaven. But you are not sure of how to get there. It may be that you have been travelling in the wrong direction. You may be on the wrong road. You may even be at cross-roads in your life and are not sure which way to turn. The Sign is just ahead of you that says:  "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
Take care which direction you take. The Word of God is like a signpost. The WORD will point you in the right direction. The WORD will ‘SHOW YOU THE WAY’. The WORD will point you to Jesus. He is the ONLY way to Heaven. Why not turn to Him right now in repentance, asking Him to forgive you and trust Him to save you. DO NOT DELAY, for your journey may soon come to an end. 2 Corinthians 6:2