What is the foundation of your New Year's resolutions?

As we enter New Year 2015, on what foundation do you build your live on? We are told in Ephesians:

“You are . . . fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:9

Obviously from this verse, the ultimate foundation on which to build our lives is Jesus. We build our lives on Jesus because this sinful world does bring problems and death, and we need the forgiveness and life that only come through Jesus.

According to Ephesians, God builds us on Jesus through the apostles and prophets, through his word. So, using Scripture through worship and personal devotions is a way to build our lives as children of God.

In addition, we build relationships with others when we spend time with someone and when we talk and share with them. Our relationship with God is also built when we spend time with our Lord through prayer.

So, as we begin the new year and seek new opportunities and blessings, there are some simple practices we can follow that can build us up.

Are you regular in worship with God’s people? One person reminded me on Christmas Eve that God’s word tells us, “Let us not give up meeting together.” Hebrews 10:25

When God’s people gather around the word and sacraments in worship we are pointed to Jesus, and we are built up in Jesus who is the cornerstone of our faith. We are built up for lives that receive health and blessings in this world of sin and death. That is why I like another verse that talks about worship even more. Psalm 122:1 says, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’”

Since we are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, on the word of God, will you take time for Bible class and a regular devotional life in the coming year? Regular, personal time in God’s word also helps build our faith in Jesus.

Since we hope to face a new year with the love and blessings of our Lord, will you be regular in your conversations with the Lord? Will you go to him in praise and thanks, with your fears and your hopes? Will you go to him for yourself and others? Prayer builds our relationship with Jesus.

Perhaps you have made resolutions for this year. Why not consider these three habits of faith: faithfulness in worship, faithfulness in Bible study and devotional life, and faithfulness in prayer? These may not sound life changing. But, these behaviors will build us up on a firm foundation on Christ Jesus.

In Jesus we will know the blessings of God’s love in this year, even in the midst of this world’s trials.

I pray your Christmas brought you peace and joy and love through worship and through family time as you again received the gift of God’s love in Jesus.

I pray that in the year 2015, you may build on this gift of Christ Jesus as God reveals him in the prophets and apostles, as we find him in God’s word and through prayer.