Job 9:11 the man Job decrees that" he passeth on also, but I perceive him not; this "going and passing on", This speaks clearly about the omnipresence; he cannot be thought to move from place to place though he is everywhere, he fills heaven and earth with his presence, and there is no going from it: local motion cannot be said of him; but this respects the operations of his providence; he is continually working all around us, by supporting us in being, and supplying us with what we need, and so he is near us, and yet we see him not.
Job the man experienced the reality of his providence, as well as the blessings of his grace, in the time of his prosperity, and in the agony of life Job felt the weight of his afflicting hand upon him; but yet, Job could not see him; he was sensible that he was nigh him, and find a concern in all that befell him, but he could neither see nor comprehend him, nor account for his dealings with him: Job acknowledges that he had "passed by" him in his state of nature, and had looked graciously on him, and had said unto him, Live; he had "passed on" from him, and hid his face so that he could not see him, nor find him backward nor forward, on the right hand, nor on the left, where he used to work. Isn't this the way we feel about God. His blessings surrounds us everyday, everywhere, in every situation and condition yet we "see him not."
Look around you as you finish reading this article, see God's presence. Think about it, God is everywhere anytime all the time. He passes by you daily, he leaves his mark for you to see yet you may not "see him."
work cited
Holy bible- KJV
J. B Coffman commentary of the bible