Resolve to Stay on Track in the New Year

A new year is upon us, which means it’s time to break out the champagne and survey the months ahead. It’s only natural to think in terms of fresh starts, new year's resolutions. Being the new year with new resolutions is a good idea if only the spirit of keeping them is continually aglow. But as many of us know, resolving to change is one thing and making resolutions stick is a different story.

On the other hand,  new opportunities for some will manifest when the calendar changes, whether that means improving our health, acquiring a new skill, or picking up a neglected hobby. 

As noted in my previous article on this topic last year, research suggests that one-third of all new year’s resolutions are abandoned within the first month, and fewer than half survive to the six-month mark. It is a sad reality however, it is better to try and fail than never to try at all. My encouragement however is that if you make any resolve, try to be  better than that. Don't quit. 

How can one keep resolutions going all year long? First, you need to make resolutions that are attainable. Choose the right goals for the right reasons. Number two, you need to be accountable to yourself. Finally, you need the will power, planning, and support to stay motivated and on track, as said earlier, don't quit. If you quit you become a looser.