It has been a little over 9 years now since I joined social media group namely Facebook. Over that period, I have only one mission on social media, to propagate the WORD of God using Facebook as a tool for that purpose. True to the word, I have religiously posted at least 4 post every day all of which are evangelical in nature.

Rarely do I respond on other users posts or comment on comments left on my posts. However, occasionally I might peruse through comments and posts on either side.
This morning, December 20, 2019 as I was preparing to post my morning glory topic, I came across a post that attracted my attraction; Question to Christians: “WHY DO YOU WEAR THIS CROSS?” My reaction to the post provoked a rear answer on my part to the author.

The author (Name withheld) goes further to apologize as to why he is asking the question justifying that quote; “I ask our Christian brethren this question. We are a family in humanity, and I ask this question with humility, sincerity, and love; truly wanting the best for all of mankind. Not with any hate or trying to put somebody down. I am just sincerely trying to get people to intellectually think: Why?”

In a few words I replied to his “Why’ question by quoting 1 Corinthians 1:18 “FOR THE PREACHING OF THE CROSS IS TO THEM THAT PERISH FOOLISHNESS; BUT UNTO US WHICH ARE SAVED IT IS THE POWER OF GOD.” It is true that those that are perishing will find excuses, and seek answers to questions that are explicitly simple, clear and outright to understand.

This author further pushes his question a second time in the same paragraph, “So, why do you wear the cross?” I would want to answer the author by saying that wearing the cross for Christian is for them a Remembrance: To Remember what true love looks like. Therefore, the cross is the instrument of torture with which Jesus was murdered, a favorite of the Roman Empire. The cross is the altar on which the Son of Man offered himself as an eternal sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. The cross is the new tree of life. The cross is significant, but only because of the time Jesus spent hanging from it.

To modern Christians, the cross is an icon, (Symbol) a visual symbol of victory of Jesus over sin and death. Christians wear a cross to proclaim to the world that Christ was victorious over death (and therefore, so shall they be).

Thus, to the author of the said article on social media, the answer is clear. For you the reader of this article, understand that; The cross is a reminder of the great cost from God for the salvation of man (you and I). Wear your cross with pride without shame.