About Resolutions

When I make new  year resolution(s), I only focus on setting targets that I can directly influence. Targets only I can push to accomplish. I never say things like: “I want to have 10K subscribers on my social media this year.

I can’t directly control those things. 

I make resolutions that are attainable and doable.

What can I control? The equivalent would be: “I’m going to plant fruit trees. And I will spend  sometime in the season on promoting planting of trees.”  if you trees are for sale, you can’t control how many people buy your trees.

Another example is, "I'm going to reach to 100 people for the Kingdom of God."

You can control your own effort and skills. How many people will you reach? How are you going to reach them? How well do you know the principles of persuasion? Etc.

A year is enough time to make a lot of things happen. But at the same time, we also tend to overestimate what we can achieve in a year.

When making plans, I like to find a balance between thinking big and thinking practical. Sometime thinking big leads to failure.  This is one of the reason why people don't keep resolutions by the second month into the year. Always make resolutions that are practical. 

Most of us also underestimate what we can achieve in the long term. If you work hard every day for years, you can make a big impact.

No one can make a big impact by doing something for a week or a month. 

If you’re chasing your dreams, never quit too early. Keep at it. Press on each day, week, month all year long. But at the same time, also know when it’s time to quit or slow down. That requires self-awareness.

Talking of "self-awareness," when you make your resolutions, self-awareness is a trite you should have till the end otherwise you therwise you will not reach the end of your plans. Self-awareness is a skill that takes years to develop unfortunately most of us lack skill.

Let’s start thinking about the new year 2022, but don’t forget to be in the moment during the final days of this year. Have a good time and enjoy the company of others.

Make tangible, realistic,  attainable resolutions. Resolutions only you can influence,  control, push and accomplish.