How Can Christ's birth Change the way you live Today- John 10:9

How can the birth of Christ change the way you live today? The truth is, knowing who Jesus is can mold your character, impact your belief system, and change your lifestyle. More so it will determine your eternal destiny.

To know who Jesus is, we can begin by reading about His birth. Seven hundred years before Christ was born, the prophet Isaiah said that a virgin will give birth to a Son, whose name will be Emmanuel; Isaiah 7:14. Jesus was born of a virgin after being conceived by the Holy Spirit and angels sang to announce His arrival. All of this makes Him very exceptional.
"By Him all things were created." So Jesus did not originate at birth, but was pre-existent with the Father in heaven, and was born into the world He Himself had created.” Colossians 1:16.
One of the best ways to understand someone is to find out what he thinks about himself. Jesus said many things about who He was — He said that He is the Son of God (
Matthew 16:16-17), that He and the Father are one (John 10:30), and that the Father is the One who sent Him (John 5:37). He also announced that He did not come to be served, but to serve and that He came to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). He came as a substitute payment in behalf of humanity.
Jesus also said He was the Door to Heaven (John 10:9), and in John 14:6. Jesus is exactly who He says He is. He is the Good Shepherd. He is the Bread of Life. He's the way, the truth, and the very life itself. Because, you see, in order for us to have eternal life, we must receive Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.

“Jesus is a good man, a wonderful teacher, an effective preacher, a great healer, philosopher, and humanitarian; Dr. Charles F. Stanley
There is one more aspect to investigate if we really want to know who the man Jesus Christ is. Knowing the truth of who Jesus means you are confronted with a decision; Will you believe the testimony of the Scriptures and receive Him? Or will you turn your back on truth and walk away to face a hopeless eternity? At Christmas time, when you see a manger scene, remember who's lying there. His life, His death, His words about Himself, and His resurrection. Jesus is not just a baby; He is the Son of God, sitting at the Father's right hand, with all the sovereign power of the universe, and with the offer of eternal life to anyone who believes on Him.
Work Cited:
Six Ways Satan Is Steeling Christmas- Ronnie Mitchell, 2007
Who is Jesus- Dr. Charles F. Stanley, 1986
The Bible- NIV Translation