Today I want to talk about a passage in the Bible that I am sure you have read and probably heard several sermons on this particular passage. I would like to discuss the arable of the "Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11 – 32. Now there are many more lessons in this wonderful parable such as jealousy but I wanted to focus on the father's reaction to have this sinner son come back home. Luke 5:20, (NASB)"So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, andran and embraced him and kissed him."
The Greek word that Jesus used here was kataphileô This word is not a simple hello kiss on the cheek this means to kiss someone that you love or to kiss some fervently which means intensity of spirit So after the son who took all his money and squandered it he came back with dirty clothes and probably smelling pretty ripe, the father kissed his sonwith the intensity of spirit. You see it did not make a difference to this young man's father that he sinned against him and wasted all that money.
The only thing that mattered to the father was that the son had come back.As the young man was confessing to his father, his father interrupted him and said bring me the best robe the Greek word for Best is the word prôtos which meant this robe was used for first importance or a chief would wear this robe. Then he put a ring on his finger gave him some shoes and he killed the fatted calf to celebrate. The Greek word here is euphrainô which means to celebrate, make glad, make merry and rejoice.
The Greek word that Jesus used here was kataphileô This word is not a simple hello kiss on the cheek this means to kiss someone that you love or to kiss some fervently which means intensity of spirit So after the son who took all his money and squandered it he came back with dirty clothes and probably smelling pretty ripe, the father kissed his sonwith the intensity of spirit. You see it did not make a difference to this young man's father that he sinned against him and wasted all that money.
The only thing that mattered to the father was that the son had come back.As the young man was confessing to his father, his father interrupted him and said bring me the best robe the Greek word for Best is the word prôtos which meant this robe was used for first importance or a chief would wear this robe. Then he put a ring on his finger gave him some shoes and he killed the fatted calf to celebrate. The Greek word here is euphrainô which means to celebrate, make glad, make merry and rejoice.
Let's think about this for a minute. How would you react if your child sinned against you took all the money you had saved for him and spent it on drugs, alcohol, gambling and prostitutes and then he showed up on your door step. Would you stop him from apologizing to plan and big reception and give him your finest clothes, shoes and jewelry? Well this short message is to remind you of how loving our Lord is. You see no matter how much we messed up in the past; God is thrilled when we come back to him.
Let us also look at the verse in Matthew 19:19, when Jesus said we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. If we are always beating ourselves up for past mistakes and in the places where we fall short, how can we love our neighbor? If God will accept us with all our faults, why can't we accept when we fall short? I see this happening all the time and very often when it comes to taken care of our body. I know so many people who try to eat right and exercise and then make a little mistake and they come completely apart. When we make a mistake, we need to learn from it, accept it, make amends and then move on. God forgives us so why can't we forgive ourselves. I hear too many people complain that they are not the best father or mother. I am not doing as well in business. I cheated on my diet. The list can go on and on. Stop focusing on what you did wrong but focus on what you do right! Everyday remind yourself of all the wonderful things you do.
My challenge to you is for the next 40 days, I want you to write down every good thing you do every day. Then read that every night before you go to bed. You will be amazed by how your life will change. Then you can go out and love your neighbor as yourself. If you are interested in living a full life powered by God, I encourage you