Many people, including Christians do not really understand what life is all about. Some think they are only here by accident and can be gone anytime without prior notice. Hence, they strive to get the best out of life for personal benefits within the limited and uncertain duration they have. They are full of fear, uncertainty and sometime boredom because to them, life is nothing but a routine – work, eat, sleep, wake etc.
Such people accept anything that comes their way. They live without vision, purpose and direction. That is why most will not make any plans of their lives. Such people get little or no excitement out of life. They have no sense of fulfillment because they actually aim at nothing; they follow the crowd and pursue vanities. Most have no set goals, no dreams they just live each day as it comes.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and not endured. What does this mean? Should we pursue vanities, accumulate the “treasures” of this life and stay relaxed? What’s the enjoyment all about? The true enjoyment in life comes when we know why we are here and we find ourselves fulfilling that purpose. With or without the treasures of this life, we’ll be happy knowing that we are fulfilling destiny. We’ll be content with what we have and God will provide us with all we need to fulfill destiny.
We’ll cease from struggling and the pursuit of vanities. The things men struggle for and run after will begin to “struggle for” and “run after” us. Having the treasures of this life will make no difference to us because will heart will be fixed – fixed on God. We will then be able to use the treasures of this life to store up eternal dividends for ourselves. Then we can have a clearer view of life: working, eating, sleeping, waking etc, are put together to enable us fulfill destiny. Then we would have crossed the ocean of uncertainty and the desert of fear on your way to the land of destiny. Life then has a meaning and we’ll be happy you are here.
Trials will surely come; the dark hours are sure to come, but we can always come out victorious. The night will certainly fall but the thickness of the darkness has never prevented the breaking of the day. With a sense of purpose, life becomes worth living; existence becomes interesting.
We are not an accidental creature, living only to die. We are not to live by chance – following the crowd and taking things as they come.
Get a vision, discover your purpose and be focused. That is the secret of true joy in life. May the Lord help us to get life-visions, pursue God-given purposes and fulfill destiny that God has put before us.