The Church's Ministry of Healing- Early healing mi...

Greetings and blessing in Christ. God as always if allowed by us moving in and thru us. During my stay at the Oakbend resort(Hospital) God really spoke some good things into my life. Thru a good visit with Pastor Kaburu(Chaplain) and the Holy Spirit I became aware of a truth that I have known but haven't moved on. When we ask for healing and we get these momentary touches we often wonder why it don't last. The reality is it's probably on us. Take into consideration that our fleshly bodies at salvation becomes the temple of the Most High God. So I ask myself have I or do feel good about the physical place that I ask him to dwell in. My awareness is that God expects us to honor and maintain the body he has entrusted us with. After all why waste healing on me if I don't think enough of it to do my part and maintain his work(healing). With restoration comes responsibility. We are a trinity body, mind, and spirit. To be righteous before God all these areas need to be at peak for Christ to be able to do a work in and thru us. I believe complete healing for me is coming. I see it every day in my life. God heals and I must do my part. So let us stand firm in what God has planned for us and watch be our provider.

Yours in Christ

The Church's Ministry of Healing- Early healing ministries(Bible Study)

Isaiah 53:5, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

Recently, I read about the healing ministries in the book of Acts. As always I was excited and amazed at the authority God gave to Peter and the boys! Can you imagine being so powerful that a person could be healed by being in your shadow? (Acts 5:15) Now that's power, and given to those considered very low in social status and education.

The healing that occurred in the early Acts days, occurred because the disciples were sourced by God, not by religious acts. They knew what "Jesus" meant, and they used His name in their lifestyle, not just their words. Because they were sourced by God, they healed the sick and raised the dead.

The Bible says clearly that faith in God makes you WORTHY. Faith brings about righteousness, not performance. Be sourced by relationship not your own performance, because standing on your own will lead to a fall. Notice the action packed healing ministries the Disciples had in place until chapter 15.

NB: Healing a very important part of Jesus’ ministry (healing and deliverance through the power of the Holy Spirit) had been common place in the early church, but has been largely overlooked or ignored in the modern church.