Mission and evangelism- A guide to Church Planters...

Term definition:
Mission is reaching out to the other person (people). This can be done in various ways depending on where and who is doing it.

Church and Mission work
It is the duty of the local church, organizations to develop a missionary life and spirit in the Local church.
Support of missionary “specials” by individuals and organization and the whole church.

How the local church should be involved:

Many protestant churches believe in the ‘priesthood’ of all believers – each member of the church has a role to play in missions and evangelism.

“All members of the body of Christ are called to be
Ministers. Everyone has a definite function that is
essential to the body as a whole” Rick 1992, 118.

Commission of Jesus to the Twelve in Mark 6:7f.

Proposals for local Church.
One to one – this involves each person by;
Visiting members
Calling them on phone
Spending time with new members of the church

Door to door. This may be done by a group of people or pairs
· This model is the one in Mark 6: 7

Church Revivals and Spiritual retreats.
· Youth Groups Spiritual Meetings
· Women revivals
· Men Revival/spiritual Camps

Commitment in Mission.

What does it take to commit oneself to Mission work?
· Commitment
· Time
· Devotion
· Money/Resources

Leader (ship):