We read in Scripture that Jesus was crucified along with two robbers on either side of him. The gospels of Mark and John say little about these men. While Matthew tells us that both robbers insulted Jesus,Luke's account tells us that one of the thieves asked Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom. Despite the fact that he was dying, the condemned man finally understood that the one who could save him for all eternity was on the cross right next to him.
So many times our problems cause us to think that God has forgotten us. It is hard to understand that the Source of our strength and our Provider in all things is already with us. When a situation seems hopeless, it is difficult to not grow weary and lose strength. But we are told in Scripture to keep trusting and believing in all of our trials even when we don’t see the answer. We read in Romans 8:24, “Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?” Our faith must transcend the boundaries of what we hear, see and feel. We must trust that the God we serve is working out his plan in our lives through every battle we face. Faith doesn’t see the future – it trusts the One who holds the future!
Everything that God allows in the life of a believer has been divinely designed. There are no mistakes in the plan that was made for you long before the foundation of the earth. Whatever is happening in your life that doesn’t seem right or fair has been allowed for a distinct purpose. It is never easy to suffer through our painful trials, but it is the working of our faith that gives us endurance to stay in the race and not give up.